




中国海洋大学 公海欢迎来到赌船





2002/09-2006/06  中国海洋大学 海洋管理 学士

2006/09-2008/08  中国海洋大学 海洋资源与权益综合管理 硕博连读

2008/09-2012/08  澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 海洋学 博士


2012/09-今      中国海洋大学 公海欢迎来到赌船 讲师


  1. 2014/09-2017/06,中国海洋发展研究会青年项目“胶州湾滨海湿地海洋特别保护区管理绩效评价指标体系研究”(CAMAQN201409),2万,主持

  2. 2014/10-2016/10,教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金项目“海洋特别保护区管理效力评价研究”(教外司留[2014]1685号),3.5万,主持

  3. 2015/06-2016/06,国家海洋局相关部门项目“国际海洋防灾减灾资料收集与研究”(20150270),20万,主持

  4. 2016/09-2017/09,国家海洋局相关部门项目“国际海洋防灾减灾资料收集与研究”(20160322),20万,主持

  5. 2014/10-2016/12,中国海洋发展研究会重大项目“国际海洋事务跟踪研究”(CAMADA201408),40万,骨干


  1. Wu, W., X. Wang, and D. Paull, 2014: Evaluating the Australian Defence Force stakeholder participation at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia. J. Environ. Plann. Man.,57(1), 1802-1830, doi:10.1080/09640568.2013.839445.

  2. Wu, W., X. Wang, D. Paull, and J. Kesby, 2010: Defence force activities in marine protected areas: environmental management of Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia.Chin.J. Oceanol. Limn., 28(3), 667-676.

  3. Wu, W., and X. Wang, 2011: Development of an environmental performance indicator framework to evaluate Environmental Management System for Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia.Labour. Man. Dev., 11, 1-26.

  4. Wang, X., and W. Wu, 2013: A review of Environmental Management Systems in global defence sectors. Am. J. Environ. Sci., 9(2): 164-181, doi:10.3844/ajessp.2013.164.181.

  5. Liang, S., S. Pearson, W. Wu, Y. Ma, L. Qiao, X. Wang, J. Li, and X. Lin, 2015: Research and integrated coastal zone management in rapidly developing estuarine harbours: A review to inform sustainment of functions in Jiaozhou Bay, China.Ocean. Coast. Manage., 116, 470-477, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.09.014.

  6. Yuan, Y., D. Song, W. Wu, S. Liang, Y. Wang, and Z. Ren, 2016: The impact of anthropogenic activities on marine environment in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China: A review and a case study. Reg. Stud. Mar. Sci., 8: 287-296, doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2016.01.004.








College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Tel: +86-532-66782117

Email: wenwu1985@ouc.edu.cn


09/2002-06/2006, B.S. in Marine Management, Ocean University of China

09/2006-08/2008, Successive Master-Doctor Programin Integrated Management of Marine Resources, Rights and Interests, Ocean University of China

09/2008-08/2012, Ph.D. in Oceanography, The University of New South Wales, Australia


09/2012-present, Lecturer, Ocean University of China


  1. 09/2014-10/2016, China Association of Marine Affairs Project“Development of an indicator framework for management effectiveness evaluation of Jiaozhou Bay Coastal Wetland Special Marine Protected Area” (CAMAQN201409), 20k, PI

  2. 10/2014-09/2016, SRF for ROCS, SEM project “A study of management performance evaluation for Special Marine Protected Area” (20141685), 35k, PI

  3. 06/2015-06/2016, SOA project “Information collection and research of international marine hazard prevention and mitigation” (20150270), 200k, PI

  4. 09/2016-09/2017, SOA project “Information collection and research of international marine hazard prevention and mitigation” (20150270), 200k, PI

  5. 10/2014-12/2016, China Association of Marine Affairs Project“International marine affair research” (CAMADA201408), 400k, Participant


  1. Wu, W., X. Wang, and D. Paull, 2014: Evaluating the Australian Defence Force stakeholder participation at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia. J. Environ. Plann. Man.,57(1), 1802-1830, doi:10.1080/09640568.2013.839445.

  2. Wu, W., X. Wang, D. Paull, and J. Kesby, 2010: Defence force activities in marine protected areas: environmental management of Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia.Chin.J. Oceanol. Limn., 28(3), 667-676.

  3. Wu, W., and X. Wang, 2011: Development of an environmental performance indicator framework to evaluate Environmental Management System for Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia.Labour. Man. Dev., 11, 1-26.

  4. Wang, X., and W. Wu, 2013: A review of Environmental Management Systems in global defence sectors. Am. J. Environ. Sci., 9(2): 164-181, doi:10.3844/ajessp.2013.164.181.

  5. Liang, S., S. Pearson, W. Wu, Y. Ma, L. Qiao, X. Wang, J. Li, and X. Lin, 2015: Research and integrated coastal zone management in rapidly developing estuarine harbours: A review to inform sustainment of functions in Jiaozhou Bay, China.Ocean. Coast. Manage., 116, 470-477, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.09.014.

  6. Yuan, Y., D. Song, W. Wu, S. Liang, Y. Wang, and Z. Ren, 2016: The impact of anthropogenic activities on marine environment in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China: A review and a case study. Reg. Stud. Mar. Sci., 8: 287-296, doi: 10.1016/j.rsma.2016.01.004.


Undergraduate: Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Postgraduate: Introduction to Marine Laws; Academic Norms and Writing

Research Interests

Marine environmental management evaluation and planning;

Marine and coastal zone management;

Marine hazard prevention and mitigation.
